Born in Denver, raised in Washington. I started my creative journey in LA, and picked it back up when I moved to New York City.

After spending 13 years in front of the camera as a model (signed at one point but mostly freelance) my heart wasn’t really in it the last 7 of those years after being taken advantage of by 2 different male photographers. These are experiences I never talk about and very few people in my life even know about them but I’m choosing to be vulnerable in this space because it’s one of my why’s for moving into photo/ video more seriously. Every industry has their bad actors.. there are so many wonderful male photographers over the years that made me feel safe (big shout out to those people) but I can’t deny I’m looking forward to bringing more female energy to set or on location.

Taylor Rae/

12 year old baby Tay Tay on set

* pouty because she just wanted her family to move to LA so she could be an actress *

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